"Dinosaurs Have Feelings Too" is finally here!
Dinosaur Love is the solo project of Peter Kulikowski . I first saw him perform these adorable Dinosaur Songs when he was 19 years old and just out of Art School. I thought “this kid is going to grow out of this and that’s a real shame” So I put out his first album “Dinosaurs Attack!” the next year thinking that would probably be the end of it. But that was definitely not the case, the same year he recorded and released a Christmas album “Have a Dino Christmas” and then the following year wrote a brand new dinosaur song each week for an entire year. You can see and hear these songs on his bandcamp, some of them are mind meltingly bad as you can imagine but others are so smart and clever. Then in 2017 Related Records released is extremely complicated concept album “The Gospel” songs about the Illuminati hiding dinosaurs from us, Jesus was a dinosaur, dinosaurs fought in World War 2… lots of conspiracy theories and religious shit going on, on that album. “Dinosaurs Have Feelings Too” is a much simpler, catchier take on songs about dinosaurs, obvious influences from Brian Wilson and early Flaming Lips. Pretty much all love songs on this album and I am sure is going to be a hit this Valentine’s Day.
Limited edition cassette. (50 blue / 50 pink) Official Release Date: 02/14/2019 PRE-ORDERS AVAILABLE NOW!Dinosaur Love February Trunk Space Residency! |