QUINTRON & MISS PUSSYCAT ON TOUR!Quintron & Miss Pussycat are on tour right now! Check them out if you're in any of these cities! They will have copies of the "Commercial Jingles" 7" that Related Records put out last year.
Fri 6/14 – Oakland, @The Stork Club w/Diesel Dudes (featuring TABOR MOUNTAIN!) Sat 6/15 – Arcata @The Mini-plex Sun 6/16 – Portland, @The Hollywood Theater Mon 6/17 – Olympia, @The Crypt Tue 6/18 – Seattle, @Sunset Tavern Fri 6/21 – Minneapolis, @Mortimers Sat 6/22 – Milwaukee, @Promises Sun 6/23 – Chicago, @Co-Prosperity Tue 6/25- Indianapolis, @State Street Pub Wed 6/26 – Cincinnati, @The Lodge Thu 6/27 – Nashville, @Soft Junk Fri 6/28 – Memphis, on a RIVER BOAT for Goner Records 20-year anniversary party!! Sat 6/29 – Houma, @Intracoastal Club TABOR MOUNTAIN TOUR!
I am booking the Phoenix date and will be there selling records and tapes all night. ALSO any pre-orders of the new Tabor Mountain "Twilight Apologies" LP will get one of the show posters as well!
Welcome the newest member of the Related Records family, MY EXECUTIVE DYSFUNCTION!
My Executive Dysfunction is the solo project of Mark Amura (formerly of BARRY and SHARING IS CARING) Mark makes the funnest + catchiest British pop music ever! The new self titled EP is going to be out on cassette and streaming platforms on May 3rd. In the meantime we got a handful of singles we’re releasing before then to get you hyped about it. First single is “The Sun Comes Up” which is currently available for streaming on all platforms RIYL: poppy + beautiful songs by Blur, The Pet Shop Boys, Biz, George Michael or dancing + singing for your pets when you’re home alone. NEW QUINTRON 7" AND RE-STOCKS!
In February 2022 Quintron & Miss Pussycat released this amazing single from their alter ego project called Bobby M.G. called "Mardi Gras Creep" - Then about a month ago they released it independently on a limited edition 7" and they sold out within a couple days, but I got a handful of copies to distro.
Aside from that Bobby M.G. 7" there is nothing "new" but I did get some copies of these records back in stock that were previously sold out.
This release compiles four original, full-length recordings of product-jingles released by Quintronics - between 1999 thru 2021. The "Singing House" eventually evolved to become "Weather Warlock" which is still in production today. Drum Buddy and Bath Buddy both see occasional updates and limited releases. This record, like Quintronics' goods, are as much conceptual art as they are unique and helpful ideas in the spirit of the golden age of American invention and includes a 5”x5” lenticular that transforms images of the Bath Buddy to the Drum Buddy. The record is limited edition of 500, they are available through QUINTRON & MISS PUSSYCAT on tour! And on the Related Records website. Mastered by Jon Fuzzywallz of Fuzzywallz Mastering Make sure you catch Q+P on tour this summer! 6/24-Austin, TX @hotelvegastexas 6/25-Ft. Davis, TX @webbsfairandsquare 6/27-Phoenix, AZ @lastexitlive 6/28-San Diego, CA @casbahsandiego 6/29-Los Angeles, CA @zebulonla 7/01-Oakland, CA @mosswood_meltdown_i_love_you 7/02-Los Angeles, CA @bobbakermarionettes 7/04-Albuquerque, NM @sisterbar 7/06-Oklahoma City, OK @resonant_head 7/08-Dallas, TX @texastheatre - sponsored by @nightflightofficial 7/09-Shreveport, LA @fattyarbucklespub I ALSO WANTED TO MENTION! This record is now streaming everywhere! so make sure to add tracks from it into your playlists and radio shows...etc IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR IN AZ... Where it is hotter than literal hell and people in our community are dying every day from the heat and lack of services! If you live in Arizona please consider taking some frozen water bottles with you when you leave the house or donating supplies to unshelteredphx (they are always looking for walkers, canes, bike lights, tents, tarps, pepper spray, shoes, clothing and hygene related materials) Here is a link to their Amazon wishlist Here is a link to their venmo if you want to donate money to help them buy things for our unsheltered community. AND REMEMEBER All the money from the HEAT IS MURDER t-shirts goes to unshelteredphx as well as all the money from remaining benefit mix tapes. NEXT MONTH!This show is happening in Phoenix! You should go if you're able to! it's gonna be a lot of fun!
It’s June which means it’s #pridemonth which seemed like a perfect time to release an all femme+queer tribute compilation to 1960s girl groups.
This compilation features 18 tracks covering Lesley Gore, The Supremes, Evelyne Courtois, Wendy Rene, Nancy Sinatra, The Chiffons, Little Peggy March, The Marvelettes, June Valli, The Crystals, Norma Tracey, The Cookies, The Bitter Sweets, Little Eva and The Ronettes As performed by Related Records artists - QUINTRON & MISS PUSSYCAT // BARRY // DINOSAUR LOVE // MIA LOUCKS // THE BEST FRIENDS // TREASURE MAMMAL As well as EXECUTIVE DYSFUNCTION // DOLLY CREAMER // LADYBABYMISS (featuring BIMBO YAGA) // MIGUEL LARESS // SASSYHIYA // KYLO GUN // SWAN REAL (*featuring MYA BYRNE) // CALVIN HALLIDAY (from U.S. HIGHBALL) // DORIAN WOOD // COLEY MIXAN // LANA DEL RABIES You can pay whatever you want for it on the Related Related Bandcamp. Please follow and check out each of these artists individually because they are all so amazing! Artwork by Calvin Halliday "SONGS DRUNK & HORNY TAUGHT US" COMPILATIONThis month marks 10 years of Related Records existing with the release of RR001 - DRUNK & HORNY "A Drunk & Horny Pool Party with Ryan & Andrew" being released on CD and Cassette back in 2013. So to celebrate, I have organized a compilation that has been requested by Drunk & Horny die-hard fans over the years, made up of all the songs D&H would cover when they played live. Because unless you were a die-hard fan, you probably didn't realize half the catalog was made up of cover songs. Taking notes from some of Ryan & Andrew's favorite artists like Tiny Tim, The Specials and The Cramps figuring, why write a song when you could just change the style/pace and structure of a lesser known song by a better artist? ANYWAY, I feel like pretty much anyone who listens to this compilation will be surprised by at least a few of these tracks. And for those of you interested in knowing even more history of the duo, make sure you read the extensive liner notes at the bottom of the page. NEW QUINTRON "commercial jingles" 7" PRE-ORDERThis is another (hopefully the last) vinyl release that has taken a loooooong time to make. This was ordered back in August, 2021 and I got them in my hand at the end of April, 2023. This is a commercial 7" that features 4 jingles for 3 of Quintron's amazing inventions. The Bath Buddy, The Drum Buddy and The Singing House (which was later renamed The Weather Warlock) Each record comes with a one of a kind lenticular print that changes from the Bath Buddy to the Drum Buddy. Pre-orders start now, and will begin shipping on June 5th. But the official release date isn't until June 23rd.
This is the seventh release in a series of mixtapes I am making to help benefit different people who are in need right now. Tapes will be available for only 1 month and at the end of that period of time, all the money Made from those sales will go to the person in need. This time all the money is going to a protestor who was essentially jumped by police officers in Portland a couple months ago. The money is going to help with their legal fees. This person would like to remain anonymous, so the only thing I am able to share is this video of the altercation from twitter. If you want to donate directly to them, you can donate here. or send funds to $protestpapi on Cashapp or Venmo and let them know the money is for their friends legal fees. This mixtape is made up of songs I really like that came out in 2022. Related Records artists featured on this tape include QUINTRON & MISS PUSSYCAT'S new side project/character BOBBY M.G. & THE QREEPS, Daniel Shircliff (THE FREAKS OF NATURE) + Anne Seletos (CHERIE CHERIE) short lived gospel garage rock two-piece THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY, BARRY side project featuring 1/2 of the BARRY band SASSYHIYA, and U.S. HIGHBALL which of course features Calvin and James from THE POOCHES BENEFIT MIX TAPE RE-ISSUES!I did a poll recently on the Related Records instagram and got a pretty big response in favor of offering older benefit mix tapes again. So I made a few. TESTIMONY VOL. 3 DEADLINE!
SHAWNTE ON TOUR!The newest member of the Related Records family is poet Shawnte Orion, he's got a new 7" on Related Records (a split with Sweat Lodge) and he's got a ton of shows coming up in the next couple months. Go see him if you have a chance or live in one of these cities.
In May of 2023 Related Records is going to be celebrating 10 years of being a record label! WOW! I know! incredible right?! I almost didn't make it! But this year I got a bunch of stuff planned and hopefully, all of these things happen! Anyway, here's this years tentative release schedule..
WHAT ELSE???Well at some point in the year there will be a Volume 2 of the Recherche compilation that will include unreleased tracks from Related Records (and Related Records adjacent) artists on CD, And a limited edition Lathe 7" for Fatty Cakes & The Puff Pastries featuring 2 brand new songs by them.And sometime in the fall I will be releasing a song-for-song tribute compilation to The House Martins "London 0 Hull 4" Record. If you would like to contribute something to that, let me know what song you would like to do, so I can make sure its not already claimed. Plus I plan on releasing a cassette tape featuring all the A-Sides and B-Sides from all of the Belle Stars singles. A new Zine from The Terri's!, at least 1 more season of The Best Friends Podcast, and 1-2 more issues of Testimony! AAANNNDDDD!!!! I should probably get back to releasing more cool/forgotten media on Heirloom Records THAT'S NOT ALL!!I listed a bunch of Test Presses for you obsessive vinyl collecting weirdos. The new Fatty Cakes & The Puff Pastries self titled cassette sold out in less than 2 weeks and over a week before the official release date! They will have some copies available on tour later this month, if they are coming to your town, check them out! A second pressing is coming out this fall that will be unique from the first run. BUT in the meantime, We got some Fatty Cakes CD's now available! and they are on sale now for only $6.99! related records artists on tour!
I haven't played a show in front of a live audience since February, 2020. I am 90% positive I will be playing this show with Eichlers, Dynastic and Spicy Mayo this sunday though. Either opening or closing the show. I practiced today in the car while I was running errands and I feel pretty good about it. If I do perform, I will be wearing a mask because I am still very very scared of getting COVID-19. If you come to the show please plan on wearing a mask too. This summer in Phoenix has been the hottest summer in recorded history. We are averaging over 110 every day and the city is not really doing anything to help the unhoused population here. In fact they have done a ton of stuff to make it harder for these people to survive. That is why working with and for mututal aid groups is so important. My favorite local group is unshelteredPHX.
Here is a link to their venmo and gofundme if you want to make a donation Here is a form you can fill out, if you want to volunteer with them. I know amazon is garbage BUT if you are someone who uses Amazon and wants to order something off their wishlist to help the people who run this and the people they are assisting. Click here and order something! Or pick it up somewhere else and deliver it to them. Or you can also order a "Heat Is Murder" t-shirt from Related Records and 100% of the money from these shirts goes directly to them.
If you are unfamiliar with Fatty Cakes & The Puff Pastries... where have you been? It is the band that dreams are made of, queer, multi-racial, body positive, ACAB, punk band ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!! I have been courting this group for a couple of years now, hoping some day they would want to work with me and a couple months ago they hit me up "Hey we are almost sold out of our self titled LP and we are about to go on tour, would you be able/interested in doing a run of tapes for us?" I replied immediately "YES!" and put in an order for 100 tapes to be made that same week. These don't officially come out until July 22nd, But since they came a few weeks early, I am going to start shipping them out early... like probably next week. Episode 12 of The Best Friends Podcast features one of our all time favorite artist/musician/puppeteer - Panacea Theriac a.k.a. Miss Pussycat! Sadly we had a few technical difficulties and some of our conversation was lost but we still had a LOT to talk about! Miss Pussycat tells us about her time here in AZ working at Arcosanti, being a part of ‘titRex - a miniature Mardi Gras parade, and what it’s like being a traveling artist, making friends all over the world! We also spend a chunk of time geeking out on how much we love Miss Pussycat and how she ended up on our radar. Quintron also makes an appearance and to his dismay, Miss Pussycat shares their love story with us! Here are some nearly sold out items. (meaning there are less than 4 copies left.)
"SKA MIX FOR Q" IS HERE!After sharing a really lovely/thoughtful conversation with my friend Quintron in January about "re-discovering" music that once meant so much to us Quintron asked me "Ryan, I know you made me a Ska Mix CD once before, and it was good but I lost it. I also was wondering if you could make me a mix tape instead that sort of focuses on the history of Ska Music and I wanna hear more of the weirder ska music that you like." he mentioned "I really love the ska songs that you did in Drunk & Horny, the wild keyboards and raw recording style was so cool. I wanna hear more stuff like that!" So I began working on this mix tape for him around that time and saw that I had 15 of these C-90 cassette tapes, So I decided to of course make copies for friends and to sell. The tapes are $9.99 and feature 34 (mostly underground) artists playing ska spanning the entire genre (+as many sub genres that I could fit) from 1962 to 2020. Because this is a mix for Quintron who is a world-known professional organ player, this mix also leans heavy on the organ as well.
DO YOU LIKE TAPES?!I recently was gifted about 5 big boxes of cassette tapes from 2 different strangers, I listed them all on the Related Records discogs store, but then when I went to put them away I realized I didn't have room for all of them, so I went back through all my tapes on discogs (and lowered the price on a bunch of stuff.) and took all the tapes off that were listed for a $1-$2 and put them in some boxes for sale on here. Check them out below, this is a great way to discover new music, or do an art project or if you want to recycle some old tapes to make mixes for friends or something. I am posting about it in this newsletter first and if there are any left over by the end of the weekend, I'll post the remaining ones on instagram. By the way, all of these cassette boxes, I am including at least 1 Related Records tape that is equal to or higher than the value of the box of random tapes you're buying. DO YOU LIKE SKA?
DO YOU LIKE SKA MIX TAPES?On the next Bandcamp Friday (May 7th) I will be offering a special 90 minute Ska Mix tape I made for Quintron. Limited edition of 15 copies and already 3-4 of them are accounted for so, i'm not sure how many I will have available on May 7th, but it will only be available for purchase that weekend and then its coming down, if you are one of the people who gets the mix tape you will also have the download for life. but this isn't an official Related Records release and I didn't get permission from any of the artists to do this so...uhhhh... yeah. Keep your eyes open for this on bandcamp. Make sure you are following Related Records on bandcamp to be notified as soon it drops, if you want to secure yourself a copy..
BANDCAMP DAY IS HERE AGAIN!100% of the sales from downloads on the Related Records Bandcamp page this weekend will be going towards Mutual Aid PHX. If you would just like to donate, I am doing a costco run for supplies on Saturday or Sunday, so you can send donations here this weekend and know that's where the money is going, I will show my reciepts on the Related Records Instagram stories. There is also still "Heat Is Murder" shirts available in sizes Small-3XL and all the money from these shirts goes towards this cause as well. Last month, I did a run & raised close to $500.
and don't forget...Today is Bandcamp Day!On March 20, 2020, Bandcamp waived their revenue share in order to help artists and labels impacted by the pandemic. The Bandcamp community showed up in a massive way, spending $4.3 million on music and merch—15x the amount of a normal Friday— helping artists cover rents, mortgages, groceries, medications, and so much more. It was truly inspiring. But the pandemic and its impact on the music community aren’t over, so today, as well as on June 5, and July 3 (the first Friday of each month), Bandcamp is waiving their revenue share for all sales on the platform, from midnight to midnight PDT on each day. If you wanna help...Check out the following links and buy something today.
RELATED RECORDS FAMILY REUNION!!TOURS!!! TOURS!!! TOURS!!!quintron & miss pussycatThurs 6-21 - Lafayette, LA @ Blue Moon Saloon Fri 6-22 - Dallas, TX @ Three Links Sat 6-23 - Austin, TX @ Hotel Vegas Sun 6-24 - San Antonio, TX @ Paper Tiger Mon 6-25 - El Paso, TX @ Lowbrow Palace Wed 6-27 - Tuscon, AZ @ 191 Toole Thurs 6-28 - San Diego, CA @ Bread and Salt Fri 6-29 - Los Angeles, CA @ The Monty Bar Sat 6-30 - Santa Cruz, CA @ The Crepe Place Sun 7-01 - Oakland, CA @ Burger Boogaloo Mon 7-02 - Arcata, CA @ The Miniplex Tues 7-03 - Portland, OR @ Mississippi Studios Thurs 7-05 - Olympia, WA @ Eagle's Lodge Fri 7-06 - Seattle, WA @ Sunset Tavern Sat 7-07 - Vancouver, BC @ Biltmore Cabaret Sun 7-08 - Bellingham, WA @ Shakedown Wed 7-11 - Salt Lake City, UT @ Urban Lounge Fri 7-13 - Denver, CO @ Sunset Tavern Sat 7-14 - Rapid City ND @ Hay Camp Brewing Co. Sun 7-15 - Sioux Falls, SD @ Total Drag Records Tues 7-17 - Omaha, NE @ O'Leavers Wed 7-18 - Kansas City, MO @ Record Bar Fri 7-20 - Hot Springs, AK @ Maxine's Sat 7-21 - New Orleans, LA @ Poor Boys Bar treasure mammalJuly 4 Phoenix - Trunkspace July 6 Long beach - Toxic Toast Theater July 7 LA - The Smell July 8 Joshua tree/ Palm Springs - ? July 13 Tucson - The Ervice July 14 Bisbee - The Quarry July 15 Las Cruces - The Farm July 16 Santa Fe - ? turqouiz noizJuly 17th-Reno July 18th-SLC July 19th-Las Vegas July 20th-Los Angeles August 28th-The Knockout August 29th-Santa Cruz August 30th-Los Angeles August 31st-San Diego September 1st-Joshua Tree September 2nd-Los Angeles September 3rd-Oakland If you want to know more about these bands shows follow them on facebook and instagram. The coupon above only works on products that relate to the bands listed above.