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- Quintron & Miss Pussycat
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"A couple weeks ago I was listening to an unlabeled CD-r mix and I was really digging one song, sounded like some sort of Back From The Grave teenage freak-out rock trio probably worth big bucks on the collector’s market. After some sleuthing I was able to determine that it was actually… Quintron covering KISS’s “God Of Thunder”. Whoops! There’s a beauty in not knowing what you’re listening to, and I have to wonder what other accidental Quintron exposure I’ve had through the years. This guy has been pretty much everywhere, an unsung national treasure for sure, and this new, kinda throwaway-by-design EP of his “commercial jingles” is another small piece in Quintron’s big colorful jigsaw puzzle. There are two ads for his “drum buddy” drum machine, the second adding a bit of manic old-school hip-hop flair; a peskily-catchy jingle for something called “bath buddy”; and a track about a singing house that I need to know more about, especially as the clip-clop drums had me thinking it was actually promoting a singing horse until I checked the label. Quintron is really the Billy Mays we need for these troubled times, peddling his own homemade dream-machines like Willy Wonka, if Willy Wonka ever toured with The Locust. Hell, whatever the bath buddy is, sign me up for two." - Yellow Green Red
This is a commercial record featuring 4 jingles for 3 of Quintron's amazing inventions. Each record comes with a one of a kind lenticular print.
RELEASED: June 24th, 2023
PRESSED: 500 7"
- Bath Buddy
- Drum Buddy (1999)
- Drum Buddy (2021)
- The Singing House