TESTIMONY VOLUME 3The 3rd installment of TESTIMONY is now available for Pre-Order. It is officially being released on April 15th at TUCSON ZINE FEST! But all pre-orders will be shipped out as soon as I have them in my hands.This issue features original art, poetry, and essays from 9 different artists all centered around the faiths they grew up in. Featuring Connor Descheemaker, Nic Jacobsen, Ryan Avery, Tyler Jacobs, Peter Kulikowski, Shamika L. Moore, Mark Amura, Dustin Gardy and Cia Lord. NEW STICKERS!I went bonkers recently with buying new stickers to send out with orders and Have decided to put them online in case any of you wanted some too. The stickers section of the Related Records website is a treasure trove of old/rare band/art/political stickers and all of them are pretty cheap.